Meeting Notes 08-15-2022
Meeting Notes from 08-15-2022
Minutes of SBI-FAIR August 15, 2022, Meeting
Present: Kamil Iskra, Xiaodong Yu, Deborah Penchoff, Shantenu Jha, Geoffrey Fox, Piotr Luszczek, Baixi Sun.
Apologies Vikram Jadhao,
Geoffrey discussed
- The transfer of the DOE grant is making progress
- He is continuing his study of Foundation models by collecting common applications using similar deep learning systems
- He summarized the MLCommons status answering some questions noting that MLCommons collects surrogates and non-surrogate benchmarks
- Geoffrey will send Shantenu notice about MLCommons meetings
- contacted Rutgers for help, but due to staff changes that effort was shifted to Summit support team. Activity in progress.
Shantenu reported
- Work with Indiana University was delayed as JCS Kadupitiya has graduated from IU and was hired by Microsoft
- Improving AI for Science Chapter with AI-linked workflows for a new publication with performance
- Xiaodong Yu discussed the ASPLOS paper and will send an improved version in 2 weeks
- There are performance issues addressed with microbenchmarks
- Baixi presented their results optimized over epoch and batch
- This does not change results much even though the update order is different
- Schedule by access performance or load balance
- 4.2 to 5.8 speedup up to 64 processes
- Looking at scalability
- Other surrogates are AutophaseNN and BraggNN
Indiana University
Reported by email
- Starting Fall 2022, a new PhD student Fanbo Sun and a new postdoc Wenhui Li will work 50% on this project. Postdoc starts Sep 1.
- Soft labels: Continuing to explore the soft labels idea and how it reduces training set sizes. Planning a submission sometime this year. One paper submitted last year on this topic is still under review.
- Time series surrogate: With the postdoc, we will be working to extend the RNN operator to tackle NVT ensemble and larger number of particles.
Piotr reported
- Cade will come back plus a new Ph.D. student
- Two Submitted papers: one on Performance Surrogate and the other a SABATH paper
- Third paper to Data Challenge
Last modified January 26, 2024: add notes (fa4a2ea)