Meeting Notes 01-10-2022
Minutes of SBI-FAIR January 10 2022 Meeting
Present: Kamil Iskra, Vikram Jadhao, Geoffrey Fox, Deborah Penchoff, Xiaodong Yu, Jack Dongarra, Shantenu Jha, Piotr Luszczek, Baixi Sun, Gregor von Laszewski
Piotr reported UTK’s continued progress with the FAIR technology in his presentation with a discussion of the ontology needed for SciML and extensions to MLCommons. The choice of YAML versus XML and TOML was discussed. There was a discussion between Piotr and Gregor about that indicated that the YAML format is not sufficient to encode the surrogate and the hardware used for it. An alternative was discussed where one encodes endpoints in the YAML and these endpoints have the detailed metadata/Schema. This is natural in examples that use PyTorch or Tensorflow which could have customized sub-ontologies. Gregor suggested circulating an example to identify if YAML would be nevertheless good enough. The performance surrogate is running on Summit.
Argonne described the continued work on understanding the performance of distributed training already discussed in the last three meetings with the 2 models, Horovod and the Mirrored Strategy, for ptychoNN surrogate. Baixi new slides are at They are using the latest model from PtychoNN team and testing on the large diffraction and real space data on the 2 distributed training models. Horovod did better on 4, 8 GPU’s; Mirrored on 1,2 GPU’s. They implemented Pytorch DDP to profile and analysis the performance.
- This continued discussion from last time on work with Vikram on software
- .Progress on Quantum computing surrogate with Ian Foster
- Shantenu also updated work on categorizing surrogates. \
Vikram reported an update on the time series molecular dynamics surrogate although not using the soft (adding in simulation errors) optimization.
Geoffrey was distracted by the poor performance of his home internet (now corrected) and did not report solid progress on his diffusion equation solver